Category: News


We are Healthy Organizational Champion of the Month!

The Colonial Theatre is the Healthy Organizational Champion of the Month for Healthy Monadnock! “How about some organic popcorn with that movie or show? We give The Colonial Theatre a standing ovation and Healthy Organizational Champion of the month for switching to using non-GMO oil and organic popcorn in their concessions. In addition to making...

The Colonial Featured in Business Monadnock magazine

The Colonial Featured in Business Monadnock magazine

The Colonial is featured in the May 2016 issue of Business Monadnock magazine — and our very own Executive Director, Alec Doyle, is on the cover! In a special section titled “Businesses Over 30” profiling local businesses that have had lasting success, Doyle talks about The Colonial’s role in maintaining the vitality and vibrancy of the...


The Colonial Announces Senior Scholarship Program

Thanks to a generous grant from The Eppes-Jefferson Foundation, Inc., The Colonial Theatre is pleased to announce its Senior Scholarship Program — a new initiative that provides complimentary tickets to live Colonial events for low- to moderate-income senior citizens. Arts and humanities advocate and well-known author, historian, and preservationist William David Eppes (1918–2009) established The...

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