Bagpipes with attitude, drums with a Scottish accent and a show so hot it carries its own health warning. A groundbreaking fusion of traditional Scottish music and rock/pop anthems which they proudly call 'Bagrock.'
Author: Martha Haas (Martha Haas)
The Color Purple
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Antony and Cleopatra
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The Phantom
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2017-2018 Season Preview Sale is on NOW!
Tickets for three Fall 2017 shows are on sale now to Colonial Members! Get the Led Out Saturday, September 9 | 8:00 PM Get The Led Out is a group of professional musicians who are passionate about their love for the music of Led Zeppelin. It’s been their mission to bring the studio recordings of...
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Friday Night Classic Film: Alien
Met Live: Aida (Verdi)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory